Graduate schools

The LMD is a major actor of 2 University Research Schools (EUR), structures inspired by the Anglo-Saxon model of ‘graduate schools’ and intended to reinforce the impact and international attractiveness of research in a scientific field, by bringing together master and doctoral training backed by one or more high-level research laboratories.

IPSL-Climate Graduate School

The IPSL – Climate graduate school (IPSL-CGS) aims to provide research training, visible and attractive at the national and international level, on issues related to the climate system, climate change, and their impacts. The research and transfer activities of IPSL-CGS are articulated around 7 axes organizing this path from fundamental research to applications, dealing with abrupt climate change, natural climate variability, climate projections, their and their emergence, emerging or multidisciplinary topics, and observation and modeling tools. The training activities aim to raise the masters programs dealing with climate issues to the same level of visibility and attractiveness as the research conducted at the IPSL, and to better interface them with the doctoral schools. They are organized in six actions, around a federation of masters, the posting of an international course, the development of an original post-master/pre-doctoral course, support for the Ile-de-France doctoral school in environmental sciences (ED129), with new practices based on active pedagogy, and monitoring of students throughout their course and beyond, in order to create a feeling of “promoting the Paris Region climate”. The site of the Écoles Universitaires de Recherche (EUR) to which the laboratory contributes:

  • Institut Pierre Simon Laplace (IPSL):

Energy4Climate Interdisciplinary Center

The university research school Energy4Climate (E4C) aims to meet the challenges of the energy transition by bringing together 21 laboratories of the Institut Polytechnique de Paris and 5 laboratories of the Ecole des Ponts. The diverse expertise supports an ambitious research program at the global level articulated around energy policies whose foundations are based on 3 pillars: (i) a decrease in greenhouse gas emissions, (ii) an increase in energy efficiency and (iii) a greater share of renewable energies in the energy mix. The objective of E4C is to respond to the challenges of the 3 pillars of energy policies, allowing a systemic analysis of the bottlenecks to the energy transition and to provide the necessary expertise in support of public policies. E4C offers a unique international interdisciplinary training program on energy. The international attractiveness is based on a training inspired by the Anglo-Saxon model with a professionalizing Master of Science and Technology and a 5-year PhD track. E4C also offers a dedicated Master of Science in Energy, broadening the interdisciplinary scope of existing programs. Interactions with other international students and internationally renowned professors are supported by the International Summer Schools on Energy. The training offer includes unique immersive practical projects using the research infrastructures. To enhance employability, E4C connects students with the socio-economic world through strong industry involvement in the curriculum, professional training of PhD students and access to the alumni network. Innovation is also taken into account thanks to an energy entrepreneurship program offered to masters and doctoral students wishing to create a start-up. The site of the Écoles Universitaires de Recherche (EUR) to which the laboratory contributes:

  • Centre Interdisciplinaire Energy4Climate (E4C):