Our research teams

The LMD is made up of 6 scientific teams, support services (administrative team, IT centre, technical centre) and 2 structures hosted by the Institut Pierre Simon Laplace (IPSL) research federation (SIRTA observatory and data centre).
  • ABC(t)team : Atmosphère-Biosphère-Climatologie (télédétection)
  • DPAO team : Dynamique et Physique de l’Atmosphère et de l’Océan
  • EMC3 team : Etude et Modélisation du climat et du changement climatique
  • InTro team : Interfaces et troposphère
  • Planéto team : Planétologie
  • SIRTA team : Site Instrumental de Recherche par Télédétection Atmosphérique

Atmosphère-Biosphère-Climatologie par télédétection

The ABC(t) team studies climatic variables by analysing atmospheric and surface radiation, using active and passive remote sensing measurements from the ground and space.


Dynamique et Physique de l’Atmosphère et de l’Océan

The DPAO team studies the fundamental mechanisms of the dynamics and physics of geophysical fluids (atmosphere and ocean), from the turbulent scale to the planetary scale.


Etude et Modélisation du climat et du changement climatique

The EMC3 team develops the LMDZ general circulation model and studies the physical mechanisms that control the dynamics of climate and climate change.


Interfaces et troposphère

The InTro team studies at regional scale the fine scale physico-chemical processes and their impact on climate.



The Planeto team studies the planetary atmospheres of the Solar System as well as exoplanets, by modeling processes at different scales and by supporting spatial missions, analyzing and interpreting their data.


Site Instrumental de Recherche par Télédétection Atmosphérique

The SIRTA team aims to document the long-term radiative, physical and dynamic processes in the atmosphere, in particular those linked to clouds and their precursors such as aerosols and water vapor.