Marque IPSL

Regional climate model


RegIPSL regional climate model of IPSL is a regional Earth system model coupling the following components : WRF, ORCHIDEE, NEMO and CHIMERE. The coupling between these components has been achieved with the OASIS3-mct coupler.

The RegIPSL regional climate model of IPSL is a regional Earth system model coupling the following components : WRF, ORCHIDEE, NEMO and CHIMERE. The coupling between these components has been achieved with the OASIS3-mct coupler.

The main region of application for this model is the Mediterranean but it will also be used for other regions like South America and South East Asia. Some standard configurations are provided with the code to facilitate the learning process.

Currently, the system deployed on the Med-Cordex area couples together :

  • ATM : WRF 3.7.1 at 20 km resolution
  • OCE : NEMO 3.6 (Med condiguration) at 1/12° resolution
  • SRF : ORCHIDEE trunk on the same grid as WRF

In the future, WRF will be replaced by the Limited Area version of DYNAMICO with physics suitable for km resolution.

Up to now, the system is developped on IDRIS center. (should also work on TGCC and IPSL mesocenter).

for further details see :