Marque IPSL

Camille Risi

Camille Risi is a researcher at the Laboratoire de Météorologie Dynamique at Université Pierre et Marie Curie. In 2009, she defended her thesis on water isotopes and obtained a CNRS position in 2011. As a child, this future modeler, specialising in the isotopic composition of water, never imagined she would one day do research. Today, Camille Risi is passionate about her work and is working hard with the general public and young people to make the true face of researchers and their role in society known.

Camille Risi is a researcher at the Laboratoire de Météorologie Dynamique at Université Pierre et Marie Curie. In 2009, she defended her thesis on water isotopes and obtained a CNRS position in 2011. As a child, this future modeler, specialising in the isotopic composition of water, never imagined she would one day do research. Today, Camille Risi is passionate about her work and is working hard with the general public and young people to make the true face of researchers and their role in society known.